Monday, June 9, 2014

Have HOPE!

Okay, so recently we moved to Texas. YEEHAW!!!! We are excited to be here, and definitely feel like it's where we're supposed to be. We were in Utah doing our thing and we just felt like we needed to move... without knowing really where or why. Although it is so hard to act on faith, the HOPE that we had that good things would happen if we just kept going, is what helped us go on. This video is exactly what we've been going through, and I know that the Lord will lead us to where we need to be, when we need to be there!!! Have hope that things will work out, no matter your circumstances! 


tedmi said...

Thanks for your family home evening lessons....they are working great with our family of 6!

Matt & Kellie said...

I also am enjoying the FHE lesson from preach my gospel. I think you have some awesome ideas that kids can relate to. I hope you continue to post the rest of them!