Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Behold Your Little Ones

I was released as a junior nursery leader a couple of weeks ago - we had an average of 15+ toddlers a week. Some Sundays were really tough.  I spent a lot of my time calming kids, breaking up wars over toys, pulling kids off chairs and wiping tears. I often walked away feeling exhausted and frustrated.  In the middle of the chaos, I fell in love with the kids and this manual...

I was given "Behold Your Little Ones" when I was first asked to help in the nursery. Each lesson has an outline that is easy to follow, a picture, a coloring page, and toddler-appropriate activities. The doctrine in each lesson is explained in a beautifully simplistic way. Since I've been released, this has turned into a great resource for our Family Home Evenings.

To buy a manual for $5.50 through the online distribution store click here or to you can view/download the lessons and coloring pages click here.