Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Articles of Faith

This is Michele here, and I wanted to share a little video of my oldest son. (I have 2 boys, ages 2.5 and 1) We set a goal as a family. I printed off these cute Article of Faith pages from Pinterest (Click HERE for the source) and determined to work on one per month of this year. In January we did Article of Faith #1, February we are doing #2, etc. I just wanted to say that I am so excited that Parker has remembered both of them so well! We recite it with our nightly routine (scriptures, song, article of faith, prayer) and I wanted to record it so you could see how he's coming along. Parker is 2 years old (he turns 3 in May) and I wouldn't have thought he would remember these but I decided to just try and have him repeat after me and sure enough, he's learning them! I want him to always know what we believe and I feel strongly that he'll need to rely on these in times of question or doubt. I figured if he can remember lines from Disney movies, he can remember lines about what we believe! :)